
The observatories pages are gateways to research resources on select topics of academic interest related to the European Union. The European Union and related institutions provide an abundance of information on select issue areas. Research resources on policies within the European Union and analysis by related institutions are available through the links on the following issue areas:

Alphabetical acronym listing



EUATL - Transatlantic Relations

Roberto Domínguez


EUCAR - Caribbean

Wendy Grenade



Joaquín Roy


EUEAST - Eastern Neighborhood

Dina Moulioukova


EUECON – Economy

María Lorca-Susino


EUEXT - External Relations

Maxime Larivé


EUID - European cultural identity

Markus Thiel


EULAT - South America

Aimee Kanner


EUMED - Mediterranean

Astrid Boening


EUSOCIAL – European Social Policies

Beverly Barrett



EUENLAR – European Enlargement

Eloisa Vladescu
